Privacy Policy

Noble Naturals (“we”) hope you will find our new privacy policy statement very simple, clear and open regarding how we collect, use, maintain and dispose of the personal data you provide to us. When we say “personal data” we mean identifiable information about you such as your name, email, address, phone numbers, bank account details, payment information, and so forth.

We may need to update this policy from time to time and where there is any significant change we will let you know – mostly likely by email.

How we collect your personal data

When you visit our website or open an account with us we collect personal data. Some of the information we collect is by you specifically giving it to us directly. This will be through the means of you filling in your personal information into a contact form, product order form, or by providing it to us in a phone conversation, or by sending us an email. In some cases, and only at your written request, we may hold (securely offline) your credit card information to make it easier/quicker for you to make payments if you are doing so on a regular basis. Another example would be if you have attended an event or talk hosted by Noble Naturals, you might fill in a registration form. If you are a practitioner, we may ask for proof of qualifications. You don’t have to provide us with personal data but it might mean you won’t be able to use some part of the website or establish a trade account with us.

Some information might be collected automatically such as your computer/device’s IP address, device type, operating system or browser type. This may happen when you visit our website automatically by the analytics software used which helps us get a better idea of how the website is used so we can be proactive in making it better/easier for you to use. Some of this information is collected using cookies. This type of information is not used to identify you.

Noble Naturals utilizes a telephone system which has a function of recording phone calls for training and monitoring purposes in accordance with our call recording policy.

Other personal information we collect might be given to us by third parties. Most all of the information we collect is directly from you, however, sometimes we may get your information from other sources such as publicly available material. We use this information to supplement the data we already hold about you in order to serve you better or validate the info you have given.

Where personal data has been collected we only use it in the following ways:

  • To open and maintain a trade/practitioner account with you,
  • In accordance with a legal obligation, or
  • Where we have your consent.

How we use your information

First and foremost, we use your information to provide you with products you have requested and to service your account and our relationship with you. Specifically, we use your personal data for things such as:

Communicating with you. Which may include providing information you have requested from us (like training and education materials) or information we are required to send you. We will update you on changes to our products or service, website, security updates, upcoming events, or to ask for your feedback.

To support you. This may include help to resolve a technical issue in using our website, or in sending us emails, scheduling and doing on site training, etc.

For internal record keeping. Such as keeping notes of what products are good sellers for you in your area, keeping up with our correspondence, invoicing, etc.

To improve our website.

To market to you. In addition to sending you our newsletters we may use your personal data to display targeted ads (not that we do very much of that right now) online – through our own website or through third party sites and their platforms.

To protect (you and us). To detect and prevent any fraudulent or malicious activity and make sure everyone uses our website and services fairly.

To process payments for you.

To deliver your products. We need to use your personal data and provide this to a courier to get you the products you want from us.

How we can share your personal information

There will be times when we need to share your personal data with third parties but will only disclose personal data to:

  • Third party service providers we use to operate such as: Customer Relations Management software (CRM), Invoicing & Accounting software, Couriers & Delivery companies, Online advertising platforms, Secure online payment platforms.
  • Government agencies, courts and law enforcement agencies or other third parties where we believe it is necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations or to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights. Where possible and appropriate we will notify you of this type disclosure.
  • Other people where you have given your consent.

Security of your personal data

We do not give out personal information and prior to discussing your personal data with you we may occasionally request proof of identity before doing so.

If you have been granted access to the members area on our website It is important for you to protect against unauthorised access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when you finish using a shared computer. If you have any reason to believe that your password may have been accessed by a third party, please contact us as soon as possible and we will take steps to reset that password.

The length of time we keep your personal data depends on what it is and whether we have an ongoing business need to retain it – for example, to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements or until a debt is paid.

We will retain your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with you and for a period of 5 years afterwards where we have an ongoing business need to retain it. After that time we will make sure the information is deleted. If you would like us to delete your account details prior to this, please contact us via our customer service team.

The use of cookies

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added to your computer/device, and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

Noble Naturals does not create cookies. Rather, by using third party traffic log cookies it helps identify which pages are being used or if our website is useful or not. From this we can fix change, remove or improve pages. Quite honestly it is a very boring subject for us and is only used to improve the website and how it functions.

A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than information you choose to share with us. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Your rights

It’s your personal data and you have rights. Yes! When it comes to marketing communications you can ask us not to send you these at any time – all you need to do is click “unsubscribe” contained in the email or send us a request to

You have the right to know what personal data we have on you and to make sure it is correct and up to date.

You have the right to request a copy of your personal data or ask us to restrict processing/using your personal data or to delete it and it is also ok if you object to us continuing to process/use your personal data.

If you have any questions about these rights or want to exercise them please let us know by sending an email to

You have more rights!

Speaking of rights, are you fully aware of all your HUMAN RIGHTS? You can find these online at They are well worth knowing and teaching others about.